Scroll down to make reservations. Reservations will begin on November 1, 2024 and continue until all time slots have been filled. We try to schedule groups of about 25 and the guided tours commence every 10 minutes. All reservations are on a first come first served basis and we do fill up every year so please make your reservations early. Please be at the First Baptist Church Family Life Center 30 minutes prior to your scheduled time to go out on the path. We will have refreshments for you to enjoy while you wait. If you have not checked in 15 minutes prior to your scheduled time, your reservations may be made available to walk-ins and those on our stand-by list. Wheelchairs and strollers are NOT recommended on the gravel path that is approximately ¼ mile long. Layered clothing and good walking shoes are recommended. This is an outdoor production with varying weather conditions.We have several golf carts for those that need handicap assistance but they are only available by calling the church office at 936-348-2686.***Refresh Browser After Making Your Reservation***
The Pathway of Light
Madisonville, TexasSeveralareachurchesareproudtopresentthe“PathwayofLight”onDec.13-15,intheheartofMadisonvilleattheFirst BaptistChurchofMadisonville.“THEPATHWAYOFLIGHT”istherecreationofthelifeofChristfrombirthtoresurrection throughoutdoorinteractivelive.ThescriptisbasedsolelyupontheGospelsbeginningwiththeGospelofLuketoprovidea basisforthesets,casts,dialogue,andnarratives.ThousandsofpeoplehavewitnessedthisvividdepictionofthelifeofChrist throughliveoutdooractionscenes.Thecastof250membersandevenmoresupportcrewandstaff,makeupthePOLfamily. AllarewelcometoseesceneslikethebabyJesusinthemanger,theplacewhereJesusmethisfirstdisciples,walkthrougha typicalmarketinJerusalem,witnessoneononeencounterswithJesusandHisfollowers,beclosetoandobservetheLord’s Supper,watchJesusgoontrial,witnesstheagonyofHisdeath,andfinallyrejoiceintheknowledgeofHisresurrection.Live animals,horsebacksoldiersandmuchmoreareallpartoftheguest’sexperiences.Guestsarestronglyencouragedtomake reservationsforapersonaltourofthisquarter-milewalkingpath.ThePathwayofLightislocatedatthecornerofElmand TrinityStreetsjustbehindtheFirstBaptistChurchofMadisonville.CheckinattheFamilyLifeCenter30minutespriortoyour appointmenttimeandenjoyrefreshmentsbeforebeingescortedthroughthePOLexperienceingroupsofapproximately25. ReservationsbeginonNovember1.Admissionisfreealthoughdonationsareaccepted.Click here to donate online.Pleasenotethatwehaveseveralgolfcartsforthosethatneedhandicapassistance,buttheyareonlyavailableby calling the church office at 936-348-2686.
Madisonville, TexasSeveral area churches are proud to present the “Pathway of Light” on Dec. 13-15, in the heart of Madisonville at the First Baptist Church of Madisonville. “THE PATHWAY OF LIGHT” is the recreation of the life of Christ from birth to resurrection through outdoor interactive live. The script is based solely upon the Gospels beginning with the Gospel of Luke to provide a basis for the sets, casts, dialogue, and narratives. Thousands of people have witnessed this vivid depiction of the life of Christ through live outdoor action scenes. The cast of 250 members and even more support crew and staff, make up the POL family. All are welcome to see scenes like the baby Jesus in the manger, the place where Jesus met his first disciples, walk through a typical market in Jerusalem, witness one on one encounters with Jesus and His followers, be close to and observe the Lord’s Supper, watch Jesus go on trial, witness the agony of His death, and finally rejoice in the knowledge of His resurrection. Live animals, horseback soldiers and much more are all part of the guest’s experiences. Guests are stronglyencouraged to make reservations for a personal tour of this quarter-mile walking path. The Pathway of Light is located at the corner of Elm and Trinity Streets just behind the First Baptist Church of Madisonville. Check in at the Family Life Center 30 minutes prior to your appointment time and enjoy refreshments before being escorted through the POL experience in groups of approximately 25. Reservations begin on November 1. Admission is free although donationsare accepted.Click here to donate online.Please note that we have several golf carts for those that need handicap assistance, but they are only available by calling the church office at 936-348-2686.
Madisonville, TexasSeveralareachurchesareproudtopresentthe“PathwayofLight”onDec. 13-15,intheheartofMadisonvilleattheFirstBaptistChurchofMadisonville. “THEPATHWAYOFLIGHT”istherecreationofthelifeofChristfrombirthto resurrectionthroughoutdoorinteractivelive.Thescriptisbasedsolelyupon theGospelsbeginningwiththeGospelofLuketoprovideabasisforthe sets,casts,dialogue,andnarratives.Thousandsofpeoplehavewitnessed thisvividdepictionofthelifeofChristthroughliveoutdooractionscenes. Thecastof250membersandevenmoresupportcrewandstaff,makeup thePOLfamily.AllarewelcometoseesceneslikethebabyJesusinthe manger,theplacewhereJesusmethisfirstdisciples,walkthroughatypical marketinJerusalem,witnessoneononeencounterswithJesusandHis followers,beclosetoandobservetheLord’sSupper,watchJesusgoon trial,witnesstheagonyofHisdeath,andfinallyrejoiceintheknowledgeof Hisresurrection.Liveanimals,horsebacksoldiersandmuchmoreareall partoftheguest’sexperiences.Guestsarestronglyencouragedtomake reservationsforapersonaltourofthisquarter-milewalkingpath.The PathwayofLightislocatedatthecornerofElmandTrinityStreetsjust behindtheFirstBaptistChurchofMadisonville.CheckinattheFamilyLife Center30minutespriortoyourappointmenttimeandenjoyrefreshments beforebeingescortedthroughthePOLexperienceingroupsof approximately 25. ReservationsbeginonNovember1.Admissionisfreealthoughdonationsareaccepted.Click here to donate online.Pleasenotethatwehave severalgolfcartsforthosethatneedhandicapassistance,buttheyare only available by calling the church office at 936-348-2686.
Click here to bypass this and book a reservation. Reservations will begin on November 1, 2024 and continue until all time slots have been filled. We try to schedule groups of about 25 and the guided tours commence every 10 minutes. All reservations are on a first come first served basis and we do fill up every year so please make your reservations early. Please be at the First Baptist Church Family Life Center 30 minutes prior to your scheduled time to go out on the path. We will have refreshments for you to enjoy while you wait. If you have not checked in 15 minutes prior to your scheduled time, your reservations may be made available to walk-ins and those on our stand-by list. Wheelchairs and strollers are NOT recommended on the gravel path that is approximately ¼ mile long. Layered clothing and good walking shoes are recommended. This is an outdoor production with varying weather conditions.We have several golf carts for those that need handicap assistance but they are only available by calling the church office at 936-348-2686.***Refresh Browser After Making Your Reservation***